The Raspberry Pi 2 is a great board for Windows 10 IoT projects and the new Raspberry Pi 3 should even better thanks to the on-board Wifi and Bluetooth. Today Microsoft have updated the Windows Insiders Preview builds for the Raspberry Pi adding support for the new Pi. I really would love to see a media player combining Groove Music and Microsoft Film & TV with Plex and Emby and then I could mount the Pi on the back of my TV.

Since we first announced Windows 10 support for Raspberry Pi last year, your feedback has been driving how we continue improving our platform enabling more and more Raspberry Pi capabilities on Windows 10 IoT Core. We’ve made it easier to connect your Windows 10 IoT Core device to the Internet by adding support for the official Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi dongle and other common Wi-Fi dongles. Also, we brought you full support for the TX/RX pins enabling easy access to the UART by simply calling GetDeviceSelector (“UART0”) method on the SerialDevice class. In the new Insider Preview build available today, we are enabling support for the new Raspberry Pi 3 board and we’re working to bring you more features in the coming weeks.


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