The Microsoft Band logs all sorts of details about your activates but the data is all locked away only viewable from the Heath app, however a clever developer has worked out a way of extracting some of the data. unBand is a program for Windows that enables you to customise an export data from the Microsoft Band. When you connect your Microsoft Band via the USB cable enables you can extract the Workout, Sleep and Run activity data and output it as a CSV file which you can then import to you choice of app or service. All sorts of data is available, duration, heart rate, recovery time and start and end time.

Not only does the program enable you to export your data it also enables you to reorder the titles using drag and drop, change the background image and change all the colour settings. The developers say they are adding more functionality to the program including live sensor output. It’s a free download from and its open source so you can take a look at the code if you want


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