Microsoft have announced the release date of the Surface Pro device. The Surface Pro has an Intel Core i5 processor, comes with Windows 8 Pro and will be available in 64GB and 128GB editions. Both versions come with a Surface Pen and be available in Microsoft Retails Stores in the US and On Microsoft UK store it still says it “coming soon” and there is no UK price yet.

For many people this is the device they have been waiting for, it has the great form factor of the Surface RT but as its running Windows 8 Pro you can install any Windows applications on it. The only issue would be the battery performance.

REDMOND, Wash. — Jan. 22, 2013 — Microsoft Corp. today announced that its Surface family of PCs is growing. Its newest model — Surface Windows 8 Pro — will be available for purchase on Feb. 9, 2013, in the United States and Canada at all Microsoft retail stores,, Staples and Best Buy in the U.S., as well as from a number of locations in Canada.

Powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, Surface Windows 8 Pro provides the power and performance of a laptop in a tablet package. Perfect as your one device — at home, in the office, or on the road — it can run Windows 8 applications, as well as current Windows 7 desktop applications. Starting at an estimated retail price of US$899, Surface Windows 8 Pro will be available in 64GB and 128GB models.[1] A Surface pen with Palm Block technology, designed specifically to work with Surface to let customers edit, collaborate and get things done, is included with Surface Windows 8 Pro.

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