We have a busy show for you this week as we talk Microsoft Surface Pro, My Movies, XBMC on Android, Ceton Extender running Android, new reviews, TV apps for the Surface, VLC for Windows 8/RT, SmartGlass and more. Plus we have Aaron Shaw from the MagPi Raspberry Pi magazine talking about their Kickstarter project to produce a physical magazine. Aaron and the team behind the MagPi magazine are trying to produce a magazine for the Raspberry Pi community, it’s a great idea and Aaron tells us all about it.

You can join us Tuesday 8pm UK time in the chat room for the live stream of the recording of the show

The TDL Show is brought to you by DVBLogic, makers of the DVBLink range of products.  Get the free trial and see how it can expand the use of your Windows Media Center system and watch live and recorded TV on the Raspberry PiiPhone, Android and Windows Phone

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5 thoughts on “The Digital Lifestyle Show #382 – Frodo’s Hole”
  1. I have seen your videos with it working no raspberry pi and then how you state it works but i wrote them to buy some of there products or test them with my WMC and this is the reply i got.

    DVBLogic support team

    6:11 AM (1 hour ago)

    to me

    Unfortunately we don’t support Raspberry Pi. We don’t have any ready solution for you at the moment. And we even don’t have any plans for supporting it in the nearest future..


    DVBLogic support team

      1. I understand it works and i have seen the video. I would like to know how it works , what software, etc. I think this would be beneficial for everyone instead of it works. I want to do the same thing but do not know where to start. Also does it use WMC at all as now i have WMC with show analyzer so it skips commercials automatically. Does your setup do that and how . I would love a video on setting it all up and sure your readers that get your email too.

        1. I will do a step by step video in the next couple of weeks.
          The basic steps are
          1) get DVBLink working on your Media Center PC
          2) Get XBMC working on the Raspberry Pi (using Rasbian)
          3) Install the DVBLink addin for XBMC

          I know that doesn’t help that much so I will do a video and if you need any help in the mean time let me know
          twitter @isdixon

          1. What DVB link product do I need to buy that is the part I am stuck. I went to site and tons of products. I look forward to your tutorial. Thanks.

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