Lots of interviews from CES this week. I walked miles to get you a good selection of interviews and this week I have:

  • Microsoft’s Ben Reed talking Windows Media Center
  • Avner Ronen from Boxee talking about the new Boxee box and the new version of the software
  • Jason Ludka from Silicon Dust talking about the new CableCARD HD Homerun and their other tuner devices
  • Gary Braddock Group Chief Designer from Ford talking about the new Ford Sync software
  • Julie Jackobson from CE Pro talking what she found interesting at CES
  • XtreamHD explaining their satellite home media solution
  • Interviews recorded at the bloggers meetup at CES including TDL Mobile’s Jose Ortiz, Garry Whittaker, Andrew Edney, Dave McCabe, Terry Walsh and others!

I also have email regarding Samsung Q1, Touch screens and Internet TV. The final batch of CES interview will be out next week


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Music by Ian Dixon

Clubhouse tags: clubhouse, media center, windows media center, how-to

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