Top photographer Thomas Hawk (and guest on one of the first editions on [tmcs]) was up at Microsoft for a photo event and he got a tour of the Media Center team’s offices. Thomas has posted some pictures of his tour on Flickr and has some nice things to say about there working environment.

First I was surprised what a relaxed environment they all work in. For some reason I’d always pictured people working for Microsoft wearing business casual polo shirts and Levi’s Dockers behind desks that all looked pretty much the same. Each person on the team had their own workspace and each had it pretty much set up however they wanted. Couches, futons, very cool music space set ups that looked more like a DJ stand than corporate offices. And while I didn’t see any dogs or Foosball tables, the set up reminded me a lot more of a Silicon Valley start up than the corporate behemoth that is Microsoft. Some people were actually using Macs. People walked around in t-shirts, shorts and sandals, etc. A very relaxed working environment.

More details on Thomas’ post and check out the pictures (along with many of this other excellent other photos) on his Flickr stream

Media Center Team Sound Room by Thomas Hawk.

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