So I caved in and joined Twitter, more and more people I talk to use it and find its a great way of keeping in touch. So I created an account and if you have Twitter add me, also let me know if there are any tool or apps I should be using with it

The live show last night was a blast. It was great getting questions directly to the guest from the listeners. We had some bandwidth troubles with Australia,  I think Niall Ginsbourg and Steven Harding were taking up all of the Aussi Internet connection. It was challenging chatting with the guest, watching the chat window and getting question via IM all at the same time.

I used, Skype and two HP tablet PCs to broadcast the show and asside from some audio issues at the begining it worked quite well

A cleaned up and edited version of the show will be out next week. So thanks to everyone that joined in, I may do another in the future.

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