There has been light posting over the last couple of weeks as I have been working away in Spain then took a break with family. When ever I travel I always take my Samsung Q1 with me and when traveling with work I take my Sony Vaio (VGN-FE11H) laptop which is a large laptop. I found that I could have left the Sony at home and managed with just the Q1. I only got the laptop out once to get some documentation off it and the rest of the time I was taking notes in One Note on the Q1 and when I  was at the airport or on the plane I was using the Q1 in Media Center, watching recorded TV. For email I used my Treo 750 and I also used the Treo as a modem for the Q1.  So for the next business trip the Sony laptop will be staying at home which will make my bag a lot lighter!

One thing I did manage to get out was a video review of Sony’s XL301 / 302 Bluray Media Center PC.  I was impressed with the PC and quite impressed with Bluray, but not totally convinced yet. I am hoping to get my hands on a HD-DVD unit soon so look out for that.

The Media Center Show will be back this week with lots of email, news items and a great interview plus a review of Vidabox’s wireless keyboard unit which I received today.


One other thing, have a look at the Vista After Hours events which are coming up soon, I will going to the Manchester event so if plan to go make sure you say hello

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