I recently reviewed the Twinkly Square smart LED wall panels and as it is getting closer to Christmas I thought it was a suitable time to look at their Icicle festive lights.  The multicolour and while Icicle lights are made up of 190 app addressable LED lights. They work indoor or outdoor lights work as they are IP44 certified and can be controlled with the Twinkly app as well as Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

In the video I go through the setup of the lights as I fit them to the front of my house. I show the app pairing, calibration, and setup as I work out what you can do with them. As with the wall panels, you put the lights up however you want and then let the app work out the position of each light so you can get some great effects going. In the video you will be able to see what you can do with the lights and the app and some of the special effects you can use.

The multicolour Icicle lights cost £129 from Twinkly.

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