Nobody likes losing their keys, wallet or bag and TrackR say they have a device that can help you out.

The TrackR Pixel is a Bluetooth device that you pair with your phone (iPhone and Android). You can then be alerted by your phone if you are separated from the tag and you can check where you last were with the device.

You attach the tag to your item you want to keep track of (e.g. keys) and then when the Bluetooth connection between your phone and the tag is lost your phone alerts you. If the device is in range, you can also set off an alarm on the tag so you can hunt down your keys. If it’s not in range you can look on the app and view the last known location of the tag so you could go back to the place you lost it.

Trackr also have a crowd sourced location mode so if anther Trackr use’s phone pickups up your tag it will update the location database.

It’s got some nice features like disabling notification when on a selected wifi, for example if you are at home it doesn’t ping you if you leave your keys in another room.

Another use is if you lose your phone you can press a button on the tag to ring your phone. The only downside I have found with this is that when I put the tag in my wallet the button kept being pressed trigged which set off the ringer on my phone.

A pack of 3 TrackR Pixels cost £14.99 on

In this video I unbox, setup and test the TrackR Pixel:

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