
I am a big fan of Window Mixed Reality with their ability to run Microsoft Store apps and SteamVR games you get the best of both worlds. I do not just use it for gaming; I use it for browsing the web, twitter, Facebook and even getting work done. The great thing about Windows Mixed Reality is you do not need special sensors in the room, you just plug the headset into your PC and you are ready to go.

So if you want to jump into the world of Windows Mixed Reality first check your PC is able to run WMR (see my article) and then you have the choice of a few locations to buy them. The best WMR headset is the Samsung Oddersy set but that is not available in the UK now so you have the option of headsets from HP, Acer, Lenovo and Dell. Which one you pick is down to personal preference and unfortunately, there are not many places to try them out. I have reviewed the Acer and Lenovo headsets, they are very similar (I preferred the Lenovo), and they all come with a pair of controllers.

Currently the cheapest is the Dell Visor from the Microsoft Store, the best range is at Amazon.

Here is a handy table of where the Windows Mixed Reality Headsets are available to buy and the current prices:


Table of Windows Mixed Reality Availability and Price

OEM Microsoft Store HP Dell Lenovo
HP Windows Mixed Reality Headset





Acer AH101 Mixed Reality Headset

£379.90 £399.99 £399.99
Lenovo Explorer







Dell Visor





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