The term ‘blogging’ has become so widely used, but some of us still struggle with the understanding of what blogging is all about. In this article I am going to provide you with information on what blogging is all about and provide you with a few fundamentals on how to start a blog. Blogging in my opinion has become so popular with people who like to work remotely. Especially travel blogging. Blogging in simple terms, is someone who creates unique content on a certain topic and posts it on their website; which is on the Internet. The blogger maximizes digital marketing to advance their audience and attract as many viewers and subscribers as they can.  Many businesses out there in today’s society, make their own blog as another means to interact with their customers. This blog gives daily updates about yourself and your business, and allows your followers to have a better understanding about what you are doing with your company moving forward.


There’s much more to blogging, than telling others, what happened in your day! Believe it or not, it is a good source of income once you get established. Did I say it was easy? No. But will it pay off in the end? If you put everything you’ve got into it, than it should. Once you get established with your blog and use affiliate marketing to help make an income, you should be able to work and travel at the same time. The way social media has impacted our lives today, just goes to show how powerful the Internet is and how easy it is to make money online. It’s all in the research. Researching will be one of the most powerful tools you will need to use in order to start a successful blog. At first, you will need to research which website provider you will want to set your blog up with. WordPress, Squarespace, whichever one offers you the best package for what it is you will need. At this point, you should have a clear understanding as to what you are going to ‘blog’ about. Is it going to be a travel blog, a mother’s blog, a foodie blog, or a financial blog? Which ever topic you decide to blog about, make sure you know enough about that subject, that you can create numerous blogs and creative content on. You want people to continuously read your posts. Not just come across one post and not come back. You need to entice the reader to come back for more posts.


Giveaways are a great way to grow your subscribers. Make sure they subscribe to your page for a chance to win whatever it is you want to give away. Make sure it’s within your budget and it will benefit you and your business. At the end of the day, your blog reflects yourself. However you want to plan it out is up to you, and GOOGLE is a good source to check up on, if you have any questions that you need answers too regarding the process of blogging.

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