Kodi 17 Krypton Beta 5 released

The Kodi team has released the 5th beta of Kodi 17. This release fixes playback of HLS streams, fixes crashes and Android and fixes an issue with PVR on Windows 10.

If you get Kodi 17 via the Windows Store than you may have noticed an update to version 17 beta 3 delivered via the store, this is a fix to AMD video card BSOD issues with the store version.

Here are the changes to beta 5:

Fixes done in this Beta 5:

• Fix playback of HLS streams
• Fix skin settings not loading when “reload skin” was triggered
• Fix segfault on EOF for video caused by postprocessing
• Fix possible crash on Android when other Android apps had missing icons
• Change splash screen text once per second to show it’s busy doing database and add-on upgrades instead of just static text.
• Fix missing binary add-ons like PVR and controller handling on Windows
• Add back seek to time using numeric input on video files

• Microsoft has rolled out a fix for users of the Kodi UWP version in combination with AMD videocard that had BSOD. For more information see: Blue screen with error code 0×139


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