Microsoft have released a new build of Windows 10 Mobile for Insiders on the fast ring. The headline feature in this build is Microsoft Wallet and Tap to Pay, this is a feature like Apple Pay and Android Pay where you can add a credit or debit account to your Microsoft Wallet and then use the NFC to pay for items where they support contactless payment. The only problems with this is only the 950, 950 XL and 650 support Tap to Pay and it is US only so we won’t be getting the feature in the UK just yet. I have used Android Pay recently and it is really handy and it is good to see Microsoft supporting Tap To Pay.
The known issues include battery drain issues on the Lumia 1520, 930 and 830 so you may want to avoid this build if you have one of these devices. Look out for my hands on video soon. Details from Microsoft:
We fixed an issue where the icon for Settings was missing from the Background apps and Data usage settings pages. We also fixed an issue where the Add (+) button was be clipped on certain pages, such as the Speech settings page, and also fixed an issue where Battery settings page would crash if the “Usage by apps” time interval was changed while the apps list was still loading.
We fixed an issue resulting in a possible pitch change after an automatic track change when listening to ALAC files streamed from OneDrive in Groove Music.
We fixed an issue where tapping a notification in the Action Center wouldn’t do anything if Action Center had been opened above the Lock screen while “Enter Pin” was already showing. We also fixed an issue resulting in some notifications having an unexpectedly large amount of blank space.
We fixed an issue that could result in the Start screen becoming green or kaleidoscope-like in appearance for a few seconds after quickly opening Action Center, closing it, then panning the screen.
We fixed an issue that could result in the first word of spoken directions over Bluetooth getting clipped. We also fixed an issue that could result in no sound being heard over certain Bluetooth speakers despite seemingly functioning media controls, and improved general reliability of Bluetooth connection with cars.
We fixed an issue where active keyboard after rebooting would be the last keyboard listed in Language settings page, as opposed to the preferred keyboard (first in the list).
We fixed an issue where switching cellular data off while there’s no internet connectivity could result in the device freezing.
We fixed where the ninja cat emoji was not displaying correctly when received in a notification.
We fixed an issue where when using commands with Cortana above Lock screen, instead of saying “Please unlock your device”, Cortana would just say “Please” followed by a pin prompt, and upon entering pin, would not complete the command. We also fixed an issue where Cortana might prompt for a pin after sending a message using only voice above the Lock screen, despite it not being necessary.
We fixed an issue where manual time and date overrides might not be preserved after a reboot and connecting to Wi-Fi.
We fixed an issue where the Microsoft Edge page area might stop responding to touch after tapping a website’s “print this page” option if it had been implemented in JavaScript.
We fixed an issue where apps weren’t removed from the taskbar displayed over Continuum if they crashed, leading to possible duplicate app icons being shown.
We fixed an issue resulting in certain apps not being able to set the Lock screen or Start screen background.
We fixed an issue resulting in a slight stutter or a few out of order frames after rotating the phone while watching a video in Movies and TV app.
We fixed an issue where the camera button was active in the navigation bar instead of the back button in certain cases on the Lock screen where the back button is necessary, such as when the emergency call page, the shutdown curtain, an expanded interactive notification, or when Action Center is visible.
We fixed an issue resulting in certain UWP apps not scrolling up quite far enough after setting focus to a text box at the bottom of the screen, thus leading to the text box being covered by the app bar.
We fixed an issue where Narrator spoke at an unexpectedly accelerated rate.
We fixed an issue where icons displayed on an app’s splash screen could be unexpectedly large when opened on a second monitor over Continuum.
We fixed an issue resulting in the un-pairing of certain Bluetooth devices never finishing if attempting to un-pair after rebooting the phone while the device is connected.
We fixed an issue where an underlying crash could result in playback of an entire playlist in Groove Music to fail, rather than just the current track.
Known issues for Mobile
We are changing the backup format for Windows 10 Mobile devices to reduce the size of the backup stored in OneDrive. As a result, if you do a backup on a device running the latest Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview builds and move back to the released version of Windows 10 Mobile (Build 10586) and restore from your backup – your Start screen layout won’t restore and remain the default Start layout. Your previous backup also gets overwritten. If you need to go back to Build 10586 temporarily, once you are on Build 10586 you should disable backup so it doesn’t overwrite the good backup from Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview builds.
We’re investigating decreases in battery life on older devices such as the Lumia 830, 930, and 1520 (devices with SoC 8974 chipsets).
We’re investigating Wi-Fi disconnect issues – if you are experiencing an issue with your Wi-Fi disconnecting, please see this forum post and make sure to upvote Wi-Fi disconnecting issues in the Feedback Hub.
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