Xbox Music app on Android updated and becomes Groove

With Windows 10 Microsoft has rebranded its Xbox Music service on Windows to Groove and now it has started rebranding the Xbox Music app on other platforms. The Android version has been updated with the new Groove name (not Groove Music) plus the app has a new dark look to it.

The last update added OneDrive support and removed the need for an Xbox Music Pass subscription to use it. Yesterday Sonos added support for Groove to the Sonos app so now you can upload your music collection to OneDrive for free and then listen to it on Sonos, Android, iOS, web and Windows.

You can find the Android app in the Google Play Store and the iOS version in Apple’s app store.

Offline playback is now supported for many new devices

You no longer need Groove Music Pass to use the app! (Certain features still require it)

New app name and design

Music in your OneDrive music folder now appears as part of your collection

In addition to playlists, you can now download individual songs and albums for offline use

Filter your music to see just what’s available offline

Various bug fixes

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