The Kodi team have made available the release version of Kodi (XBMC) 15.0 Isengard. Version 15 was designed to be a clean-up release but it does have some new features including new chapter selection windows, adaptive seeking, language Add-ons, improved closed captioning on liv TV and this release is now available via the Google Play Store for Android devices.

Here are the full list of changes and if you want to give it a try go to for the download.

Additional Improvements and Changes

Other improvements include:

• ffmpeg 2.6.3 update

• Improved Closed Captioning support in Live TV

• Fixed music video queuing

• Allow scanning of new sources and marking as watched during other library operations such as “update library”

• Windows DXVA HEVC hardware decoding support if driver and hardware support exist

And more. See release notes for RC2, RC1, Beta2 and Beta1 for a full list.

Changes from 14.2 to 15.0 include:

• Minimal 10.7 Lion 64-bit required on Mac OSX

• Minimal iOS 5.1 required and ATV2 support discontinued

• Minimum Android 4.2 Jelly Bean MR1 required on Android

• Ubuntu 12.04 support dropped in PPA

• On Android the system now handles the volume instead of Kodi

• Removed the need for root/SU on Android. Some hardware/firmware might not like that. Please contact your hardware supplier

• Removal of Tuxbox support. Users of Enigma2 boxes can use the VUPlus PVR add-on

• Removal of AFP filesystem support

• Remove legacy code pre-Frodo 11.0

• Vast amount of possible memory leaks, segfaults, crashes and minor issues have been fixed

• General improvements regarding code stability and performance in all areas

• General code clean-up in all areas to simplify adding future features

And more. See release notes for RC2RC1Beta2 and Beta1 for a full list.

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