CloudMuzik for Windows Phone

CloudMusik is a 3rd party Google Music app for Windows Phone that fills a void left by Google who still refuse to support Windows Phone and the app has just been updated. Version fixes crashes when playing pinned artist, albums or playlists plus it also fixes failures when playing cached or searched songs. The app is due a bit of a UI overhaul and hopefully that will be coming soon.

The app costs £0.79 in the Windows Phone Store.

Release Notes:

Version features:

*Fix for crash when playing a pinned artist/album/playlist

*Fix for failure to play some cached songs

*Fix for crash when playing a searched song

One thought on “Windows Phone 3rd party Google Music app CloudMusik updated”
  1. This is really nice…I am all in with XBOX Music but it doesn’t match all my music…I get it all now with this app…I may re-load the Google Music sync app on my Media Server… 🙂

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