The Android version of VLC Player has been updated once again. This update fixes crashes with the app, fixes errors with the lockscreen widget, AVI and MP4 errors and fixes issues with the Bluetooth controls.

As with the other version of VLC Player the app will play a whole range of formants and includes DVD ISO support complete with the menus. The app is free from the Google Play Store.


What’s New

Prerelease of VLC for Android

This release fixes crashes, lockscreen widget, AVI, MP4 playback and bluetooth control.

The 0.9.x series is major release with hardware decoding and a new interface available in dark or white colors. It integrates DVD iso and menu support, an equalizer, playlist management, Widi screens support and updated SD cards detection.

Hardware acceleration is now enabled by default on 4.3+ and has better subtitles support. Software decoding has been accelerated too.

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