
Microsoft have updated the iOS and Windows 8.1 versions of its Xbox One SmartGlass app. The apps add the ability to purchase games and addons from the apps and have them download to the Xbox One. You can also browse new and popular games, receive and view game clips and rate game clips.

There are also the usual bug fixes and stability improvements.

The iOS app is available from the iTunes Store and the Windows version available from the Windows Store.


What’s New in Version 2.8

•Rate your favorite game clips and activity feed entries
•Purchase things on your phone or tablet and they will start installing on your Xbox
•Browse new and popular games, add-ons, and bundles
•Receive and view shared Activity Feed and Game Clips
•General stability and polish improvements
•Bug fixes

Windows 8.1:

What’s new:
Like a Game Clip
Like an item in the activity feed
View items that have been shared with you from a message
Purchase Xbox One games & add-ons
Browse for recent and popular games & add-ons
General stability and polish improvements
Bug fixes

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