There is a brand new version of the Media Browser Server released today. The beta has new translations, DNLA/Play To improvements, new service notifications, new transcoding settings and improvements to the web client.

Media Browser now has a full DLNA server and so should support a wide range of devices plus it also have DNLA profiling so you can select what features are enabled on a per device basis. You can now have notification when events are triggered and who gets them. One interesting new feature is display mirroring, so you can browser around on the web client and the content will be mirrored on the app you are controlling.

There are lots of other changes which you can read about on the mediabrowser site where you can also find the download links. Media Browser is a really great way of storing your media in a central location and then consume it from multi-platform clients.


New translations

DLNA Play To improvements

New DLNA Server

Enhanced DLNA profile editing

New server notification system

New transcoding audio boost setting

New collection grouping setting

Improved mobile layouts in the web client

Display mirroring added to the web client

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