This week is The Gadget Show Live 2014, the UK biggest tech show and while it was smaller than previous years there were still some interesting things to see. We have plenty of video coming up including Windows Phone 8.1, broadband speed boosters, TV streaming solutions and more. Here are some of photos from the event.

Microsoft have a very wide range of Windows devices on show (see more in this video):

Nokia had the new Lumia 630 running Windows Phone 8.1 (see my video) as well as other Windows Phone from their range.

There wasn’t a lot of music tech but some of Roland’s new TR gear was on show:

I thought routers where getting smaller, not this one from TP-Link:


Samsung didn’t have any of the mobile devices on show but they did have curved OLED TVs on show:

GoTab had a new 10″ Windows 8.1 tablet on show, no price yet but expect it to be cheaper than many of the other 10 inch Windows tablets out today, plus they had a range of budget Android tablets.

Boosty is a new solution for boosting the speed of your home broadband using you mobile devices (video coming soon)

I played with Oculus Rift VR headset which works very well and you really get immersed in the 3D world.

Sony demonstrated waterproof phones:

There were some strange characters walking around (and I am not just talk about Garry Whittaker):

You could even get on the Microsoft Bus:

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