Say hello to my first Windows Store app: Flickr Upload

Flickr Upload for Windows 8
For a while I have had the urge to write a Windows Store app so after spending some time pondering what would be a good app and ruling out anything too advanced I came up with a tool for uploading photos to Flickr which should be particularly useful for bloggers. The app which is designed for Windows 8.1 enables you to pick a photo or image from the local drive, SkyDrive, local network or SD card and then it uploads the photo to Flickr. You can add a title and description to the photo and you can set whether the photo is public or private. Once it upload it gives you back a link to the image which you can share via Twitter or Facebook as well as an html code suitable for embedded in a blog post. The app uses Flickr’s oauth authentication system and so it doesn’t store your Flickr username or password, it stores the token with your Windows account so you only have to authentic once even if you use multiple Windows devices. There is a still a lot more I plan to do with the app but this is a start.

Get the free app from the Windows Store.

Get the app from the Windows Store.


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