Samsung have updated the Galaxy Note 10.1 Android tablet. The 2014 edition of the tablet has the same leather style back as the new Galaxy Note and has 8MP rear camera, 1.9 GHZ Octa Core processor, 3GB RAM, Android 4.3, microSD card slot, support for the Gear watch and 2560×1600 display. The Note range has the S Pen which can be used with the Flipboard style magazine UI and has multi-Windows support, scrapbook and Pen apps. The spec is similar to the Nexus 10 with the screen size being the same but with the addition of the S Pen.
The Note 10.1 will be available Q3 this year.
Press Release:
Berlin, Germany – September 4, 2013 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a global leader in digital media and convergence technologies, today unveiled the GALAXY Note 10.1, 2014 Edition, an original approach to balancing productivity, powerful content creation and consumption in one portable tablet device. Equipped with WQXGA Super clear LCD (2560×1600) resolution in a stunning 10-inch display, 1.9 GHZ Octa Core processor (for 3G / WiFi only version) and 3GB RAM, the GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) demonstrates Samsung’s innovation leadership by delivering ultimate productivity capabilities while remaining extremely thin and light.
“The new GALAXY Note 10.1 is the most progressive 10-inch tablet, delivering the best viewing and multitasking experiences. It is the most recent demonstration of Samsung Mobile’s focus on constant product innovation to stay aligned with shifting consumer interests,” said JK Shin, CEO and President of IT & Mobile Division at Samsung Electronics. “The GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) unites a range of features that will consistently surprise consumers as they realize how much easier and more enjoyable it makes their everyday lives.”
The new GALAXY Note 10.1 expands on the advanced productivity and creativity leadership delivered by the original Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1. In addition to enabling productivity, the device has been redesigned with a sleek, light, slim frame that is both fashionable and portable.
Richer Viewing Experience, Enhanced Multitasking
The large, bright and crystal clear screen delivers four times the pixel density of the original GALAXY Note 10.1, providing a premium content viewing experience.
The magazine style UX allows users to organize their favorite resources in an easy to use dashboard and then access that content for a stylish reading experience. Whether watching videos or reading magazines and e-books, the new GALAXY Note 10.1 provides an immersive media consumption experience. New design characteristics, like a warm and textured back cover with stitching, inspire a sense of elegance and sophistication.
The device’s screen size also enables enhanced multitasking. With Multi Window, users will be able to run separate instances of the same application, and use an enhanced S Pen to drag and drop content from one window to another. Pen Window enables users to simply draw a window of any size on the screen, and instantly access unique in-application features such as YouTube or calculator.
Improved S Pen and S Note Functionality
The updated S Pen included with GALAXY Note 10.1 improves responsiveness, delivers day-to-day efficiency enhancements and produces more creative input capabilities. The tablet also includes GALAXY Note 3’s updated S Pen features such as Action Memo, Scrapbook, Screen Write and S Finder. Combined with the tablet’s larger screen, these enhanced S Pen capabilities present users with unique creative opportunities and the space to explore them.
With new Scrapbook capabilities, users can easily indicate any interesting content with the S Pen and organize it into individualized scrapbooks, creating a log of discussion points for a future work conversation, a wish list for new clothes or a home redesign project, or a personal favorites list.
S Note has been upgraded with a more intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Users will have access to both note files and notepads, with the ability to use the S Pen to take handwritten notes. With Easy Chart, hand-drawn visualizations of data can be instantly transformed into more formal charts and graphs.
Offering Content for Enhanced Entertainment and Creativity
The new GALAXY Note 10.1 will also offer a host of exciting partner content that complements the device’s entertainment, productivity and creativity properties. With premium partner applications and free memberships and services, the new GALAXY Note 10.1 provides everything a user might need in one place. The Samsung Content Gifts include content from leading news sources such as Bloomberg Businessweek+, The New York Times, Autodesk Sketchbook for GALAXY for painting and sketching, a redesigned version of social broadcast network Twitter optimized for the device, and much more.
In addition, the GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) will also include a Samsung Apps widget that will direct users to additional beneficial content provided by Samsung. The widget will live on the home screen and include a “Special Offer for GALAXY” section that will highlight unique, country-based content for users.
Samsung KNOX, comprehensive mobile security for consumers and enterprise
The new GALAXY Note 10.1 comes with enhanced privacy and security protection provided by Samsung KNOX. Users can activate Samsung KNOX with ease which allows them to run and store security-sensitive applications and data inside a protected execution environment called “container.” The security inside the container is strengthened by system-level protection of Samsung KNOX against malware and phishing attacks as well as hacking attempts on physical devices when devices are stolen or lost. For instance, important personal pictures or video can be stored in the container with no worries for data leakage due to hacking. In addition, users may choose to store enterprise applications and data such as corporate email, contacts and calendar and allow the IT department to manage the container through EAS (Exchange ActiveSync Server). These features make the GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) an ideal device for BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device to work)
The GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) will come in three connectivity options: WiFi Only, WiFi and 3G, WiFi and LTE, available in 16/32/64GB + Micro SD. Comes with two color options, Jet Black and Classic White, the GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) will be offered globally and will be available starting from Q3, 2013.
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