Google Now on an iPad
One of my favourite features of Android is Google Now, I love how it presents up to date relevant data to you when you need it. You get travel notification just before a journey, weather info and useful data when travelling like local currency and time zones. So far it’s been Android only but today Google have updated the iOS search app and included Google Now features in it. Just like the Android version you get the Google Now cards in the search app but you do miss the Google Now widget which is probably the most useful aspect of the service as well as the quick access via the search bar on Android.

So if you have an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch get the app from the iTunes store and then check the app to see how late home you are going to be tonight!

Get just the right information at just the right time with Google Now.
• weather and traffic conditions before you start your day
• updates on your favorite sports teams and breaking news stories as they happen
Find out more about all other ways Google Now can help at

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