Our friends over at The Centre for Computing History who put on a fantastic display at our users group last year have recently announced they plan to move to a new 10,500 sq ft building in Cambridge. The new venue should enable them to show off our rich computing heritage in a city that is such a big part of the UK computer industry story.

While they have secured funding for the new venue they still have lots to do to be able open to the public. There are all the necessary facilities like fire alarms, disabled parking, ramps, toilets, the list goes on. So to help fund this the Centre have launched the aptly named 128k funding campaign. They are aiming to raise £131,072 (think binary to get to 128k) to fund the work needed to open and they are looking for donations to help get to the target. Individuals can help with a few pound donation via PlayPal or JustGiving or you could buy one of their great t-shirts. Businesses can get involved and they are also looking for volunteers to help with some of the work needed at the venue.

There are many ways to get involved (we raised nearly £100 at our user group last year) so head over to the Centre’s web site or contact Jason at  [email protected] and find out how you can help with this great project.

It has been a long and arduous journey, but we are delighted to announce that The Centre for Computing History has now signed the lease on a 10,500 sq ft building in Cambridge.

This building, situated near the Beehive Centre, will provide a great first step for the Centre into the Cambridge community. The location is very convenient and affords multiple opportunities for visitors. There are two leading hotels currently under construction very close by, there is a bus stop on the main road; we have our own parking and the Beehive Shopping Centre also offers good facilities.

However, there is still much to be done before we can open to the public. Whilst acquiring the building has been a monumental task, we now face the compound challenges of altering its interior to ensure it complies with modern building regulations and Health and Safety standards.

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