My Movies for Windows Media Center version 4.05 PR4 has been released. This should be the final pre-release version before the final version of 4.05 is released. It has support for ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6 and includes a selection of bug fixes. So it’s your last chance to test 4.05 before the final version. You can also download My Movies Collection Management for Windows 4.05 PR4.

You can get the new version from the downloads page at


My Movies for Windows 7 Media Center – Changelog (Pre Release)

My Movies for Windows Media Center and
My Movies Collection Management for Windows 4.05 Pre Release 4

Added: Support for ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 6
Added: Transcoding profiles to registry, allowing for better debugging.

Update: Using newest collection methods on webservice to be able to distinquish versions.

Change: Updated about page graphics.
Change: Installer now prompts user if they are installing for personal or professional usage, to avoid continued problems with professionals being in violation of license.
Change: AnyDVD version check removed, as it now is expected to always be required version, as prior version is more than four years old.
Change: better messages if the application could not connect to the database.

Fix: Collection Management installation was broken on Windows XP.
Fix: Queue handling was broken, and could cause informations about items in queue when uploading titles.
Fix: Collection change on non existing items, now deletes the change entry.
Fix: Support for Sony XL1B Media Changers updated, and hopefully now Works in Windows 7 SP1. These no longer works in Windows 8 Media Centers native movie library, and through the Media Center SDK, where they are broken by Microsoft.
Fix: AnyDVD could be disabled in situations where drive was not ready and the disc id could not be read.


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