Over on the Raspberry Pi blog they have the details of a new Raspberry Pi user guide due for release soon. The book is written by the foundations Eben Upton and Gareth Halfacree and covers an introduction to the Raspberry Pi, using Linux and using the Pi as a home media centre amongst  other things. There is so many things you can do with the Raspberry Pi its great to have a guide for new users.

The books is available in ebook and physical format for £11.69 from Amazon



Inside, you’ll find everything you need to get started with your Raspberry Pi, including an easy introduction to Linux for total beginners, a guide to getting your SD card working, programming in Scratch and Python, using the Raspberry Pi as a home media centre, using the GPIO to do some physical computing (driving things like lights and motors and recognising switches and sensors), a beginners’ soldering guide, and much more.

The way Wiley & Sons are releasing the book, which is written with the assumption that the reader doesn’t have any technical knowledge (yet – we hope they will by the time they’ve read first few chapters and used the examples), is a little unusual. It’s being published in e-book and physical form in the UK and US, but they’re also releasing a cut-down, abridged version in e-book form only which you can buy at a reduced price. The short version just includes the first six chapters (some of which have been snipped a bit): the chapters on getting started with your Raspberry Pi. Be aware that this abridged version won’t include any material on hardware, or any of the intermediate projects; but if you’re an absolute beginner who wants to save a bit of money, it might suit you.



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