My Movies Collection Management

To go with My Movies for Windows Media Center 4.03PR1 there is 4.03PR1 of My Moves Collection Management. This update mirrors the Media Center version and includes PowerDVD 12 support, Data server API and trailer options. You can get the new version from the My Movies download page.


My Movies for Windows Media Center and My Movies Collection Management 4.03 Pre Release 1

Added: If a directory contains a “Trailer” or “Trailers” subfolder, the trailer will automatically be loaded from this directory. If there are multiple trailers, all are played as part of a playlist.
Added: Option to add directly to a category from the movie details page.
Added: PowerDVD 12 added to external players.
Added: Data service API function to retrieve data in external applications.

Change: Ignore “Trailers” and “Trailer” directories in folder monitoring.
Change: The remote server is now prepared to be open for third parties.
Change: Online collection link to new URL.
Change: Changed Server and Standalone installations on Windows 8 to be based on SQL Server 2008 R2 rather than SQL Server 2005, which have compatibility issues.

Update: Database package to iOS 1.80. This release is currently held by Apple.

Fix: Error was generated when pressing OK in export to android without a target destination.
Fix: Minor error generated when selection change in title list hit a title without a media type.
Fix: Issue with ignore file check that could go down one folder too many, causing a delay in import on some setups.
Fix: Issue that could cause slow import times on Windows Embedded.
Fix: Search did not function properly on TV Series in non-English languages.
Fix: Issues with folder monitoring when running against a My Movies server as standalone.
Fix: Installer issue on Windows 8.
Fix: Dune isuse that could cause an empty playback on local drives.

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