Regular readers will know we love AirPlay and Play To streaming systems here at TDL and I use Shareport to stream music from iOS devices to my HTPC. Shareport only works for music and for video I use Windows Media Center AirPlay addin. But now there is a application for Windows that combines these features, Aerodrom is a € 9.99 adding that supports AirPlay audio, videos, photos, and photo slide shows

If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod then this is a great way to be able to share content to a Windows PC

Photo streaming from your iPhone or iPad photo application.
Slideshow streaming.
Audio streaming from your iPhone, iPad or iTunes on Mac or PC.
Video streaming.
YourTube from the YouTube app on iOS.
Support for many AirPlay enabled third party apps.
The full version has no limitations and no overlays like the demo version.
Localization support (english/german)
Automatic updates.
Upgrades between minor versions are for free for registered users.

There is a demo version so you can give it a try, the limitations of the demo are:

The demo version has some limitations:

No audio streaming (only video and photos),
Text and logo overlay on pictures and videos,
No VLC support,
No video rotation,
No configuration dialog,
Only one slideshow theme,

The full version doesn’t have the limitations and looks like it will be great for sharing content

Aerodrom is an AirPlay/AirTunes receiver application for Microsoft Windows PCs. It lets you seamlessly stream audio, videos, photos, and photo slide shows from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac and PC to your Windows PC. All devices must be on the same LAN and/or Wi-Fi network.

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