When I travel outside of the UK I always find the cost of calling home pretty high, especially calls from the US to home so the new app from Vonage looks interesting. the iPhone app is called Time To Call and its a VOIP system that you can use to call most countries and then get billed for the call via your iTunes account.  So you purchase 15 minute blocks via an in-app purchase and you don’t have to get Vonage any credit card details.

The app works over wifi (and 3g if your in the US) and you can call over a hundred countries , I found a call to the UK costs £1.49 (from anywhere in the world) and a call to the US was £0.69 so depending on where you are and where you calling from can work out a lot cheaper than roaming charges your mobile operator would normally charge.

I gave the service a try and it worked very well, the quality was pretty good with no dropped calls, maybe a little better than you would get from Skype. The main advantage of the service seems to be the in-app purchasing model, its really simple and will be ideal when I am over in Las Vegas for CES, I will be able to call home without worrying about a massive bill when I get home. The app is free and available in the app store

iTunes page: http://bitly.com/r6YMh7

We are going to be giving away an iPad 2 to one lucky TDL reader in a couple of weeks thanks to Vonage along side about a bunch of other tech sites each giving away an iPad 2, you can find out more details here and the first group of sites have started there giveaway. Our giveaway will be in a couple of weeks and we will be giving away a 32GB wifi iPad 2. Any suggestions on how we should pick a winner for TDL?


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