NewImage are reporting that the US favoirte streaming service may be on its way to the UK and Spain next year.  Here in the UK we have Amazon’s LoveFilm service (which I am a subscriber) which will give Netflix a run for it’s money but having the option will be great.  Currently LoveFilm’s streaming service is a bit limited and the competition with Netflix will be just what we need. Now we just need BT to get its act together and deliver a decent broadband service across the UK.

Sources at leading European film distributors say as recently as last week Netflix reps confirmed plans to put roots down in both Spain and the United Kingdom in the first quarter of next year.

The European invasion would come after the 43-country blitz scheduled to take place by the end of the year across Latin America and the Caribbean. Netflix surprised many analysts who predicted the UK would be one of the first targeted territories only to end up absent from the list released last week.

That could be a reflection of tougher competition it will find in England, from Amazon-owned Lovefilm to incumbent multichannel services like BSkyB, which may seem newly vulnerable given the turmoil that has engulfed News Corp.’s aborted attempt to grab a bigger stake in the satellite service.

One thought on “Netflix coming to the UK next year?”
  1. Cool. I would stop my subscription with LoveFilm and change to Netflix just because they have an official MCE add-in and LoveFilm don’t.

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