Remote Potato screenshot

Remote Potato is a great remote control and streaming system for Windows Media Center comprising of a server on the PC and a web browser client along with  apps for Windows Phone 7, Android and iPhone. With the app you can remote control Media Center, stream content,  browse the EPG data and schedule recordings.

Remote Potato has hit version 1.0 and comes with some great features:

  • Fully seekable video streaming in new, ultra-high quality H264. 
  • Browse and stream all your pictures / videos  –  all major formats supported.
  • Seekable streaming instantly works with the iPhone app
  • Remote Control, Slideshow, Music, Series Record Options – and more.
  • Server now runs on Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
  • Apps available for iPhone / Android / Windows Phone 7
  • Still completely free

The great thing about Remote Potato is how simple it is to install and get up and running, I have used the development version for some time and its great to be able to browse the Media Center EPG data from a web browser plus there are some great 3rd party app for mobile devices that make use of the Remote Potato back end like Smart Potato and Media Buddy for Windows Phone 7 and Remote Media Center for Android.  There is also an official iOS app available from the app store

You can download the server from and get the iPhone app from the App Store and the best thing about it is it’s free!

Remote Potato screenshot

Remote Potato screenshot

Remote Potato screenshot

Remote Potato screenshot

Remote Potato screenshot

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