Pete Brown on Microsoft’s Extreme Windows Blog has a great post up about the Windows Media Center addin ecosystem. He has taken a look at some of the popular and must have Windows Media Center addins and he talks about how to get hold of them.  He gives a shout out to our Media Center app store and some of the other sites doing a great job cataloging the addins.

I always thought Microsoft should have had a app store built in to Windows Media Center a long time ago, but it looks like that is not going to happen so for now you can really on sites like and

One of the great benefits of the community of enthusiasts that has grown around Windows Media Center is the number of plug-ins developed to enhance the experience in WMC. Plug-ins (also called addins, and lately even apps) bring new information and features to the Windows Media Center environment.




Any discussion of plug-ins invariably asks the question of where one can go to get them. As many plug-ins are developed and hosted by individual developers or small companies, tracking them down across the Internets has been, until recently, a bit of a challenge. That’s where one particular plug-in comes in very handy: Made For Media Center, which was developed by two of our Windows Entertainment and Connected Home MVPsAndrew Cherry and Ian Dixon.

One of best aspects of Windows Media Center is the 3rd party addins so its great to see them getting some recognition. You can read Pete’s post on the Windows team blog

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