How you backup your PC is becoming increasingly important, especially for those of us that keep EVERYTHING on there.  Thousands of family pictures and memories, not to mention TV series and that massive movie collection are amongst the most important.  Keeping everything in one place, i.e. your house, is a great start but it’s good to have some offsite backup with the likes of something like Mozy or a BT digital vault.

We’ll today there’s a new player in the market, and it’s a trusted brand for millions of people (unless they’ve ever sent you a massive mobile data bill).  Vodafone have announced an interesting partnership in the UK with Decho (which is actually the company behind Mozy and is also owned by EMC).  In the UK this will be a big value add thing for Vodafone as they struggle to differentiate their offerings like all mobile operators.  For Decho it means breaking a new market as the Mozy brand isn’t well known, no iJustine on TV advertising it over here.  The interesting thing is, what does it mean for us?

Well I’m hoping we’ll see better priced (or free for Vodafone customers?) cloud backup.  There is no word on pricing at this stage, but I reckon it might mean that at least people will get an idea that they might be able to make backups.

What are people out there doing for backup, how does your strategy work?  Mine, I backup to Mozy right now (and also sync lots of stuff with Live Mesh), what about you?

0 thoughts on “New player in the “cloud backup” space”
  1. A interesting piece Simon, thank you for that, my backups are manualy applied and saved to different locations which is shamefull to be honest but they work and i can be assured they have applied properly, rather than finding out after the event that an error occured and the backup is lost if automated

    i have used Mesh as a backup zone and feel i should really use it more often

    Somehow though i doubt Vodaphone will ever give us anything for nothing

    again many thanks for an interesting article


  2. Backup strategy involves a 1TB USB drive that I bring home from work on a monthly basis to do a full backup. Key files are backed up on daily basis to another smaller USB HD attached to our server. The server itself keeps most files on a Drobo.

    The idea of cloud-based backup is appealing, but I have always been put off by the large amount of time it would take me to recover a terrabyte of files (about a 2-4 weeks of solid download time I figured) from the cloud.

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