As of today TunerFree MCE will do full screen for all the channels available including BBC and Hulu automatically.  Previously a mouse click was needed.  10 Seconds after opening a show, it will go into full screen.  Great news with Boxee being forced to remove Hulu content.


In Martin’s words:

I’m really pleased to tell you that I now have full screen support for all of the channels in TunerFreeMCE. Hulu now automatically goes in to full screen after 30 seconds. BBC goes full screen after 10 seconds, and BBC live programs auto play and then go full screen after 15 seconds.

You might be wondering why the delay. It’s because it works by simulating a mouse click on the full screen buttons, and I need to wait for the screens to load. Also note that that only works when media center is running in full screen. Although I have done my best to calculate where to click, there’s also a chance that on some screen resolutions the mouse click will miss. If it does, send me a full screen screenshot (press the PrtScr button and paste it in to Paint and save as a jpeg.) and I’ll use it to refine my calculations.

Also new is a preferences page to change preferences without editing the preferences.dat file, and more speed and reliability improvements.

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Posted by Simon May, follow me on Twitter or if you like email me
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One thought on “TunerFree MCE adds even more awesomeness, goes full screen”
  1. The auto full screen mouse click only seems to work on the primary monitor. It doesn’t appear to work with extended desktops (dual monitors) or MCE Multi Mon.

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