Well things are certainly hotting up and getting more exciting recently with all this talk of these different applications for IPTV content on your HTPC. I can’t wait to try out the new Hulu MCE add-in and I’ve really been getting in to TunerFree MCE as well lately.

I decided to have another quick look at Boxee today, whilst this is not an application that run’s within the MCE UI, it is still a very promising option. The guys at Boxee seem to be taking a different approach to the integration for the online content sources. I’m a layman when it comes to application development, but it seems to me like they are not just displaying the BBC iPlayer and Hulu websites for example within their application.

The integration seems to go further and certainly looks more seamless to me, than some of our already favourite MCE add-ins. Some welcome news is there are also some inbuilt options and settings for HTTP proxies which will come in handy no doubt!

I’ve said it before and will say it again Microsoft we need something like Boxee native to our beloved Media Center, please please please!


BBC iPlayer in Boxee


Hulu in Boxee


Proxy Options

2 thoughts on “Another look at Boxee – BBC iPlayer & Hulu”
  1. I think its time to invite Microsoft back to the TheDigitalLifestyle Show and ask some questions…like, do they see Boxee, Hulu as competition or as opportunities to work with great new partners? Does Microsoft make it a point to contact these entities to discuss possible future relationships or is it more that you are waiting for them to come to you? Some of these services don’t have the financial resources to take on a project that integrate with the Media Center platform..what can Microsoft do to assist them? Finally, from a platform standpoint is there anything the Media Center team can do to make it easier to integrate with external data streams without necessarily requiring each provider to right a custom add-in.

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