It would seem that “a bunch” of Zune 30s are going kaput this morning everywhere, Tech Crunch is reporting.  There’s a fix that I’ve read a couple of times that involves reseating a wire going to the battery.  If you’re going to give that a go, you best go get one of these T-Shirts and not complain if it doesn’t fix it and then try to get a warranty repair.

No official word seems to be available right now, and there doesn’t really seem to be any confirmation of the size of the problem.

If you’re having issues with your Zune 30gb let us know in the comments…

Posted by Simon May, follow me on Twitter or if you like email me
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0 thoughts on “Zune 30gb going a bit funny”
  1. Yup, I’m one of the Zune 30 owners suffering from this. The best theory I have heard is that we are in a leap year so today would be the day that the device would think it’s 2008 and the software would think 2009. By that notion, they should fix themselves tomorrow. Microsoft needs to fix this before it hits the mainstream media.

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