Windows Home Server and Live Mesh and Florence

Microsoft have put another PDC session online featuring Windows Home Server, this session looks at how you can connect Windows Home Server to devices over in the home and over the internet. I was very impressed by the a “science project” called called Florence, this is an application that may look familiar to Webguide users it makes local media content available via a web browser using Silverlight, unfortunately there are no plans to make a product out of this demo app. There is some great info for developers wanting to create web enabled home server addins especially the mesh integration. One thing to look out for for the Webguide for Mesh icon about 52 minutes into the video, so it looks like webguide has a future based on Mesh.

Learn how to leverage the Remote Access platform in Windows Home Server to expose on-premises services running in the connected home to the Internet. See how to expose a home automation service running on Windows Home Server to the Internet, and watch a demonstration that shows how to expose services that may be hosted on other devices inside the connected home using Windows Home Server as a gateway. Finally, see a sneak preview of Home Server and Live Mesh working together to further enhance the remote experience for the connected home.

Watch the presentation on Channel 9

Via Windows Home Server team blog

3 thoughts on “Windows Home Server and Live Mesh and Florence

  1. I just watched that video, some interesting stuff! I don’t know much about Live Mesh yet as I’ve not looked at it but I did like the look of Florence. Good to see Doug as well. I hope we see something like Webguide built in to media center / home server by Microsoft themselves in the future.

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