Oh more gadget lust. I am a sucker for the small UMPC form factor and a big fan of HP’s products (even if the catch broke on HP 2710p) so I was interested to read about HP’s new UMPC the 2133. It comes with a 8.9 inch screen (1366×766 WGA resolution), ExpressCard slot, WiFi, 95% full sized QWERTY keyboard, webcam, and an optional SSD. It’s a shame it doesn’t have a touch screen but it does look at nice unit (not dissimilar to the 2710p)

Details and pictures on Engadget (via GottaBeMobile.com)

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4 thoughts on “HP’s New UMPC 2133”
  1. I’ve gotta say as much as I love the UMPC form-factor this little HP is pretty boring and almost borders on ugly. It looks too bulky to be the “device on the go” that UMPC promised yet too small to really be that useful. If I really wanted an ultra-portable device with a keyboard I’d just get an Apple Air and run Bootcamp on it. I am hoping hoping that this *isn’t* really the device that HP said would be something everyone would want. It’s just sorta… blah.

    What I want are the devices that were shown during the original Origami videos. I want basically an iTouch + Garmin Nuvi + Tablet PC + Surface + Kindle and don’t want to see a keyboard anywhere, all within that 7″ form-factor. It needs wireless, 3G, GPS, an SD slot and the 160GB drive that’s in the current large cap iPod.

    What’s amazing is that the iPhone/Touch almost does everything that was shown in those original Origami videos and it’s in 1/3 of the form-factor. What’s sad (so very sad considering how much I was into UMPC) is that new UMPC devices should be at least 3 times better than the iPhone since they’re bigger and newer, not half as good as a product that’s been out almost a year.

  2. the closest think I have come to the best umpc is my Samsung Q1, ok its underpowered but the form factor is perfect for me, the new ones have a a keyboard on which i don’t need

  3. i have to say, the high-res screens at really small sizes aren’t the smartest thing in the world. maybe it’s because I do web design for a living, but having 144 DPI or so gets pretty ridiculous.

  4. Sigh, he he he he. Well Shawn, maybe it’s time to switch πŸ˜‰


    Don’t worry, your not alone in thinking PC technology just can’t keep up anymore.
    Hey, whose to blame you though, most people I know are downgrading to XP nowadays. Question: is moving to an OS thats faster and more reliable downgrading? Ponder.

    What I do like is the Apple’esq built in camera! Well done HP; learn from the masters.

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