Steven Harding has been providing some great developer information on his Windows Media Center Developer Blog and as Steven puts its "to prove that I’m not completely making all of this up" Steven has posted an Alpha version of an application he is developing. MAMECenter is a an interface to let you play Multi Arcade Machine Emulator games from your Media Center.

I have used MAME emulates before and you can normally run them from the command line or a Windows tool, well Steven has written Windows Media Center UI tool for MAME. I do remember seeing a HTML Media Center application for this a long time ago but the new app is pure Vista Media Center.

Steven wants your feedback so head over to his blog and let him know how you get on with it

This is an early alpha – it’s going to be prettier and more feature packed. I’ve just added it here because I’d like some feedback from users about how the program is working – your feedback means I’ll be able to provide some better posts about how to avoid making the same mistakes I am 🙂

Just to prove I’m not COMPLETELY full of it…


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