Josh over at DMZ has developed his first Windows Media Center application. The application is a status utility for Ceton InfiniTV 4 CableCARD tuner that displays the playback status, channel, temperature, signal stength and copy protection status.

If you have InfiniTV TV tuner then its well worth checking out

I’ve been a Windows Media Center user for years. I’ve been a programmer professionally for over 10 years, and personally for my entire life basically. So I decided it was time to put the two together, and I created a Media Center plugin. I also love the Ceton InfiniTV 4 CableCARD tuner in my Media Center box. I’ve always really enjoyed the data that the InfiniTV diagnostic web page offers, but you can’t easily get to that while you’re using the Media Center UI. I thought that this might be a great little project to get my feet wet in the plugin development world.

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