Barnes and Noble brought out their own book reader a few years ago with the colour Nook with its wifi facilities.

In a smart move the NookStudy is a software application going to be offering students a way to manage their digital content using either their Mac or PC. 

Textbooks will be available at a 40% discount.  It will provide searchable notes and hi-lights and the ability to keep lecture notes, study aids, test prep guides, periodical and trade guides all in one device.

The product has been trialled at a few universities and is now lined up for a full release in August just in time for the back to school market. It has been developed based on feedback and not just delivered as a product you can take or leave.

The team at Barnes and Noble have not missed a trick as they are also offering teacher’s presentation materials and lecture notes.

For those interested they can register at

Barnes and Noble run the majority of the college bookstores in the US universities so have an advantage of already being a trusted name and having an awareness of the key texts that students will need.

The product aims to make it easy for students to study with free downloads of 500,000 books.

The ability to have multiple books open while studying. Searchable notes and annotations will save time and the ability to incorporate web research will be a useful way to assemble all the research into one place.



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